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Facultative compensation

So called facultative compensation is based on Section 81 of the Employment Act No. 435/2004 Coll. (MLSA Interpretation on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, MLSA - Protected Labor Market), which clearly obliges all companies, companies or organizations employing more than 25 employees to employ persons with disabilities, at least 4% of the total FTE. This means, for approximately every 25 persons, the obligation to employ one person with disabilities.

Accordingly, such an entity may, by law:

  • a) to employ persons with disabilities in an employment relationship
  • b) to cooperate with someone who directly employs those persons in a proportion of more than 50%
  • c) make a contribution to the state budget

or combine all of the above.

Points (b) and (c) are so-called substitute benefits in the event that the entity cannot or does not want to employ persons with disabilities directly.

If you have any questions about the facultatice compensation, you can contact us on the address