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Electronical invoicing


Have you already been using all advanteges of electronic invoicing?

Electronic invoicing is modern, ecologic, simple and efficient way of delivering tax documents (invoices).

Tax documents are sent in very famous PDF format and XML in standard ISDOC. It is modern way of communication according to valid laws of the Czech Republic.

What are you getting thanks to the electronic invoicing?

  • modern way of communication
  • easy handling with documents
  • lucidity
  • immediate availability of tax documents
  • quickness
  • archiving place savings
  • higher security – documents are protected by electronic signature
  • fully accordingly valid laws of the Czech republic
  • enviroment protection
  • free software for reading of documents
  • direct import into your internal infromation system

In case of any questions you can contact us on these phones : 286 007 224 or 286 007 272



Detailed informations

Electronic invoicing in case of PDF a XML (ISDOC) format is modern, simple and effective way of delivering tax documents.

Rules for electronic invoices are under few laws - main one is Act for the use of electronic invoicing no 227/2000 Coll., revised by act no. 440/2004 Coll.

Our company will be sending tax documents by electronic mail (e-mail) in PDF format and XML (ISDOC) and they are signed by electronic sign system based on a qualified certificate from the certification authority of the Czech Post s.p. - PostSignum QCA (hereinafter PostSignum QCA).

Electronic mark for a tax document clearly confirms the information about the issuer, the company ACTIVA spol. s r.o. and prevents any unauthorized modification of the invoice after the exposure.

By the electronic mark is signed only PDF and the XML (ISDOC) document containing the invoice, not the entire e-mail with the invoice. It is possible with e-mark (signature) to be kept separately without the accompanying e-mail.


How is the system working?

Very easy. After entering your consent to our system you will no longer receive an invoice in paper form along with the delivery but in e-mail in PDF format (similar to picture). The opening of this format is no change required on your part and you do not even need any special software. You can therefore decide whether to print it and how many copies you want or save it in electronic format. Together with the invoice in PDF format e-mail contains the XML (ISDOC) format of the invoice. With this format you have now the possibility to import invoices directly into your information system.


Will invoices be signed?

All invoices will be signed by electronic signing system based on a qualified certificate issued by the relevant certification authority, PostSignum by QCA (this really has nothing in common with classic ink stamp and signature ...).


What is an electronic sign?

The electronic sign is technically exactly the same as an electronic signature the difference is the legal page: while the electronic signature is bound only to a specific individual, electronic sign can create and equipment by applications and can be tied to the legal person.
The electronic sign is intended for the various outputs of information systems, billing systems or from different ordering systems, etc., where the documents assigned automatically, without any specific person (to ensure the software).


Do I need any special software to be able to receive invoices from ACTIVA?

To open a PDF document you need Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 6 and higher), which is available free of charge. On many computers it is installed from the manufacturer of your computer. Download it to the English version, for example HERE.
If you decide to start using XML format, it is necessary to first set up your information system that could handle this format. XML is the standard ISDOC and its description can be downloaded e.g. on or


How so I recognise that the invoice is really comming from ACTIVA?

Each invoice (PDF and XML document) will be provided with an electronic sign system based on a qualified certificate issued by a certification authority PostSignum sp QCA Czech Post In the Acrobat Reader (version 6 and above) each document you can easily check by clicking on the "signatures". This electronic sign will give confidence that the receipt of the invoice was actually issued and sent by ACTIVA spol. s r.o.


Is it leagal?

YES.Tax document in PDF format and XML is equipped with an electronic sign system based on a qualified certificate and complies with all legal requirements of the Directive and the EU.

Thus signed invoice-tax documents meet the requirements of Act No. 235/2004 Coll. on value added tax on the issuing tax documents in electronic form (Section 26, paragraph 4) and archiving in electronic form (Section 27, paragraph 2).


Why to do it?

  • The main advantages are:
  • Simple handling of tax documents in electronic form
  • Simple archiving signed PDF files and XML
  • Shorten the time needed to be delivered to customer
  • Possibility of electronic archiving of documents - saving space
  • Time and money savings
  • If the XML import option to IS


ACTIVA Company is a leader in its field in the introduction of modern processes and technologies. We strive to lead by example, not only competition but also all the modern and economically contemplating companies.