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Transparency films


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XEROX 3R 98202 - laser/copier transparencies

1329/3982020 - Laser/Copier transparencies. Plain. 100 sheets.

Folex X 10 - polyester clear foil for hand writing

1329/0367900 - Polyester clear foil for hand writing, b/w copying and printing100 mikrons.A4 formatPack of 100 sheets.

Folex BG 72 - transparent foil

1329/0367911 - Clear overhead transparencies, A4. Price per package. For laser printing, dry-fixation.

XEROX 3R98199 - foils for laser printers

1329/3981990 - Universal foil for colour copying and laser printing underlayed by paper on longer side. 100 sheets in package.

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