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Staple removers


Best selling in the category

  • Preview image of product Maped Focus - staples remover

    Maped Focus - staples remover

    Office staples remover. Mix of color.

  • Preview image of product Novus Novus B 85 - spliter

    Novus Novus B 85 - spliter

    A practical, standard, chromed spliting pliers. Very easy to use and therefore suitable for small stapling wires. 2 years warranty.

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List of products

Maped Focus - staples remover

1320/9370111 - Office staples remover. Mix of color.

Novus Novus B 85 - spliter

1320/0220018 - A practical, standard, chromed spliting pliers. Very easy to use and therefore suitable for small stapling wires. 2...

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