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Drawers systems


Ergonomická řešení

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  • Preview image of product BISLEY - file IPCAA

    BISLEY - file IPCAA, 4 sockets

    Metal filing cabinet IPCAA. Features: welded corpus filing airbags load one drawer 40 kg 100% extension drawers devices against movement (can not eject the drawer once more) you can add...

  • Preview image of product Bisley BS - metallic filling cabinet

    Bisley BS - metallic filling cabinet, 4 drawers, height 1321 mm

    Lockable iron filing cabinet for hanging files A4, with central lock. Fully welded two-fold front case of drawers for bigger solidity. 100% draw-out for easier acces to stored documents, protected...

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Metal filing cabinet IPCAA. Features: welded corpus filing airbags load one drawer 40 kg 100% extension drawers...


Metal filing cabinet IPCAA. Features: welded corpus filing airbags load one drawer 40 kg 100% extension drawers...


Metal filing cabinet IPCAA. Features: welded corpus filing airbags load one drawer 40 kg 100% extension drawers...

Bisley BS - metallic filling cabinet

Lockable iron filing cabinet for hanging files A4, with central lock. Fully welded two-fold front case of drawers...

Durable - lockable filling trolley

Lockable filling trolley for 80 pcs suspension files. Delivered empty. 592 x 665 x 400 mm.

Durable - open filling trolley

Mobile filing cabinet for 80 pcs of hanging files. Delivered with no contents. 592 x 655 x 368 mm

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