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Dried fruit - novelties



Best selling in the category

  • 'Preview image of product Diana - dried pineapple slices

    Diana - dried pineapple slices, 100 g, 100 g

    Pineapple has always been one of the exotic delicacies that were served mainly on the richer boards. It has also been known since ancient times by the Indians who called it "anasa" or "nanas".  

  • 'Preview image of product Diana - whole dried apricots - size 1

    Diana - whole dried apricots - size 1, 100 g, size 1, 100 g

    Diana large dried apricots. They are sweet, juicy and full of vitamins. They go great with a mixture of nuts or you can enjoy them on their own, for example when you're hungry. You don't have to...

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