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Folders with elastic holds, format A4


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Esselte - carton folder

Glossy carton folder with 3 flaps and elastic holds.

Esselte - carton folder

Glossy carton folder with 3 flaps and elastic holds.

Esselte - carton folder

Glossy carton folder with 3 flaps and elastic holds.

Esselte - carton folder

Glossy carton folder with 3 flaps and elastic holds.

Esselte - carton folder

Glossy carton folder with 3 flaps and elastic holds.

Esselte - carton folder

Glossy carton folder with 3 flaps and elastic holds.

HIT - folder with elastic holds

Presspahn folder without flaps, with elastic holds. Format A4. Price for 1 piece.

HIT - folder with elastic holds

Presspahn folder without flaps, with elastic holds. Format A4. Price for 1 piece.

HIT - folder with elastic holds

Presspahn folder without flaps, with elastic holds. Format A4. Price for 1 piece.

HIT - folder with elastic holds

Presspahn folder without flaps, with elastic holds. Format A4. Price for 1 piece.

HIT - folder with elastic holds

Presspahn folder without flaps, with elastic holds. Format A4. Price for 1 piece.

PP DONAU - spisové desky s gumičkou a štítkem - A4, žluté

Polypropylene folder with 3 flaps and elastic holds. Format A4. Price for 1 piece.

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